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Dental Crown Resin

Alias Dental Crown,  material used for the manufacture of biocompatible permanent restorations, including crowns, inlays, onlays, veneers and artificial teeth for dentures.

  • Aesthetic Perfection: Color options are available that look like natural teeth
  • Ceramic Based Material: It is a biocompatible and ceramic-based material.

  • Odorless and Tasteless: Does not leave any unpleasant odor or taste during use and provides a comfortable experience.
No smell and taste
High wear resistance
Compatible with vita colors
Low shrinkage

Dental Model Resin

Suitable for high accuracy dental model printing !

  • Smooth surface for post-press processes
  • Better results in scans with custom opaque/matte color
  • Fast curing properties for fast printing
  • Low shrinkage and retains its form after curing

Smooth surface
Matte color
Fast printing
Low shrinkage

Dental Temporary Resin

Rapidly produce temporary crowns and bridges!

  • Temp resin is a biocompatible resin for patient’s in-mouth use as temporary teeth.
  • It is easily processed and cleanable material that is compatible with natural dental aesthetics.
  • This resin comes in Light (A1, B1) and Medium (A2, A3) color palettes.

High wear resistance
Compatible with vita colors
No smell and taste

Temp MHF Resin

Aesthetic Perfection: Color options are available that look like natural teeth

  • High Durability: It has a solid structure suitable for daily use and is long-lasting.
  • Ceramic Based Material: It is a biocompatible and ceramic-based material.
  • Odorless and Tasteless: Does not leave any unpleasant odor or taste during use and provides a comfortable experience.
High wear resistance
Compatible with vita colors
No smell and taste

Dental Try-In Resin

Biocompatible, Fast and Cost-Effective Production !

Alias Dental Try-In Resin, used for short-term trial prostheses for fit, occlusion, aesthetic and phonetic evaluation rehearsal appointments.

  • It is a biocompatible 3d printer resin. The colors options is A1, A2, B1 and Bleach
  • Biocompatible material with excellent mechanical properties and surface quality

Try-in dentures
High Surface Quality

Surgical Guide Resin

For manufacturing highly precise surgical guides

  • Biocompatible and safe for use in implant surgery
  • Can be sterilized using standard autoclave protocols
  • Transparent, odourless and tasteless

Dental Surgical Guide Resin ;Application
Surgical Implant GuideSplint Production

Precision Drilling
Pressure resistant

Dental Denture Resin

Rapidly Produce high quality denture bases​!

Alias Dental Denture is a biocompatible resin , developed for the 3d printing and manufacturing of long term removal dental dentures. It has high process reliability thanks to high initial hardness and exceptional mechanical properties.

  • Biocompatible and safe to use in patient mouth as long term removal denture
  • Exceptional mechanical properties
  • Color stability, odorless and tasteless

Natural color

Dental Gingiva

Alias Dental Gingiva Resin is a flexible and soft resin produced to imitate natural gums for model prints. It has a high dimensional stability. Gingiva prints can be easily trimmed to reach optimal fitting for the implant models. It has a natural gingival color.

  • Tear-resistance gingival masks
  • Easily trimmed
  • High dimensional stability
  • No smell and taste

Dimensional stability
Easily trimmed
No smell and taste

Dental Ortho Rigid

Alias Dental Ortho Rigid Resin is a biocompatible material developed for digital production of splints. In combination with suitable software, it is possible to easily design and print splints.

  • It provides long life in splints with its fracture resistant structure.
  • It is suitable for safe use with its biocompatible formula.
  • It is easy to apply immediately after printing with its high sensitivity.
Dimensional stability
No smell and taste

Tray Resin

Alias Dental Tray Resin, optimized for the production of individual custom tray. It features improved mechanical properties and simplified cleaning. Printing with layer thicknesses of 200 μm is possible and prints come out in faster times. The finished measuring spoons have a homogenous surface.

  • Budget-friendly option.
  • Fast printing option with 200 μm layer thickness.
  • Detailed stable prints with homogenous and smooth surfaces are obtained.
Easily Trimmed
Dimensional Stability

Dental Casting Resin

Production of all types of cast crowns, bridges, inlays, onlays and metal infrastructures

Dental Cast is a special wax casting resin developed for metal casting. It is a special 100% ash-free castable resin that is formulated for perfect quality.


  • 100% ash-free burnout for dental casting
  • Perfect casting surface quality with minimum post-process
  • Evaporates without reacting with the revetment
  • Minimal processing after casting with excellent casting quality

No ash !
Smooth surfaces
Low Shrinkage

Ultra Glaze

Provides High Quality Shine!

Alias Ultra Glaze is the best solution partner in finsing your restorations with strong  effect and glossy surface. It provides long term glossy and high abrasion resistance in all restoration applications. Biocompatible and curing with UV light.

  • Saves time
  • No need for a polishing stage because of light-curing
  • Easy use and application
  • Thin coating layer (25-50 μm), durable gloss and long-lasting results

Easy use and application
Eexcellent shine
Light curing